










この海岸は夕陽海岸とよばれていて、青森県の最西 だから 夕日がすごいきれいに見えます。



でもおれは このキレイな夕日をみてやる!








なんで 不老ふ死の二番めはひらがななんだろう。。。?






一つめは ただ ひらがな忍者の ウェブサイトを表示するだけのアプリだったので楽だったけど

今回は~ 全部自前で つくった!ので





漢Q ! KAN-Q! です。カンキュー!




機能は 大きくふたつあります。


ブルーの画面で 勉強できます。



忍者くん が祝福してくれます







MacBook Pro Retina 15inchを買いました

きのうは表参道のApple StoreにいってMacBookを買いました。


いまアンドロイドとiPhoneのアプリを開発しようとしています。Lenovoの15inchのノートPC使ってるんですけど最新のAndroid Studioいれたらめっちゃ遅いんですね!

いろいろ考えたんだけどiPhoneはMac OSで開発したほうがいいみたいで、AndroidもMacでEclipseやAndroid Studioを動かせばいいみたいだから、ならMacかなって。

MacBookもふつうのMacBookとMacBook AirとMacBook Proの3種類あって、ふつうに見た目重視でエアかなって思ってたけど、エンジニアの先輩が開発するならプロにしろってことなんで、15inchのプロにしました。

MacBook Pro Retinaディスプレイ 15 inchの仕様はこちら。


  • プロセッサ→2.2GHzクアッドコアIntel Core i7プロセッサ(Turbo Boost使用時最大3.4GHz)、6MB共有L3キャッシュ
  • メモリ→16GB 1,600MHz DDR3Lオンボードメモリ
  • ストレージ→256GB PCIeベースフラッシュストレージ
  • サイズ→高さ:1.8 cm 幅:35.89 cm 奥行き:24.71 cm 重量:2.04 kg
  • グラフィックス→Intel Iris Pro Graphics




そのあともAndroid Studioや忍者の絵をかくときにつかうInkScapeも無事にインストールしました。



Hiragana Ninja ~Prologue~

Ninja is still alive in the 21st century. He has a mission. Friends were killed. He need to do it.

Ninja has a mission.

He is escaping from a crazy gangster "Katakana Hakusyaku" (カタカナ伯爵) . Hakusyaku's golden bike is nano-carbon made, almost 2 kg and he has a gun. Ninja has pink short sword called Katana in Japan. Ninja has short sword because he usually work in the room like in the castle and the ceiling is too low to swing a long one...

Iga and Koga were two big organizations of Ninja in the age of the war. They were all destroyed hundreds ago. Modern people believes that reading textbook in school. But Ninja is alive still. In the mountain, not so many ninja but the survivors live deep in the mountain and take over their special skills. 

Ninja town

To be continued...

Nihongo Cafe:



It's September. Autumn has come. Leaves of Icho trees outside are not yellow yet but the weather is cold. I want long-sleeved shirt and went to Shinjuku 新宿 town.

Tokyo is an amazing city for fashion geeks. Comme des garcons, Yohji Yamamoto, Mihara Yasuhiro... these cool fashion brands were born in Tokyo. I have someitems but they are really expensive for me.

No problem, I can get these items in shop RAGTAG in Shinjuku. RAGTAG is the used clothing shop which handles high-fashioned brands. I've visited the shop for over 5 years. all items have always great quality.

The shop is on the 4th floor in a small building near Beams Japan. I found nice shirts of NUMBER (N)INE, tried on and bought it :) It was around 4000 yen.  Anyway, Japanese loves all-black style...


Real Tokyo Inside Yamanote Circle

 After work I sometimes drop in to Shibuya town since I change the train in the station. I see many travelers to Tokyo at Starbucks. There, they take photos of the scramble crossing which is the most popular crossing in the world while we have coffee time. Since the cafe is on the second floor in the building in front of the crossing, there is the best place for photo.

For the first time to visit Tokyo, Shibuya is a great town. Except the crossing Tokyu Hands has all items you want and nobody can be bored there. 109 is the fashionable building that teen daughters excite and appreciate her father. Also, If you want to try Nanpaneedless to say, Shibuya is the best place. ( see this blog too: Welcome to Yabai Japanese Slang)

But what I want to say is Shibuya is still level one. If you go to next level as Tokyo travelers you better to go inside Yamanote Circle. This circle was the route of the most popular train, JR Yamanote line. In Japan big towns exists near the big station. So popular sightseeing spots are along the circle. (Shibuya is the one)  Let me introduce some stations and the sightseeing spots.

Click to view large map

Iidabashi station

stone pavement
Iidabashi is not so special town but you walk a few minutes from the exit and you find Kagurazaka 神楽坂 which is popular for beautiful stone pavement. It's opposite from Shibuya this town remains traditional Tokyo scenary since the Edo era. I know there is a few Geisya house. There are three or more restaurants are registered with the Michelin Guide

Kasuga/Korakuen station

Tokyo dome
It's popular for Tokyo Dome and Laqua. Tokyo Dome is a baseball stadium of Yomiuri Giants. Laqua is an amusement complex including roller coaster and natural spa. So father and son enjoy all day long together.

Roppongi station

Keyakizaka street

Roppongi has two complex buildings Roppongi hills and Tokyo Midtown including theaters, restaurants and art museums. Also, there is the television station TV Asahi around there. In winter Keyakizaka street has illumination and beautiful.


Solitary mountaineering in Okutama

Okutama station
Okutama 奥多摩 is the western mountains area in Tokyo. It takes around 2.5 hours from Shinjuku by JR train. It surprise us that such great views exist in Tokyo. Last month I climbed Mt. Fuji and searched the next one around Tokyo. Japan is rich nature country and has hundreds of mountains that climbers aim. I read a magazine about climbing and rock-climbing and found that Yarigadake 槍ヶ岳 and Tsurugidake 剱岳 are so exciting but I am still a beginner and they might be one of my lifetime goals. Not now... I know Okutama has several mountains and chose Mt. Takanosu 鷹ノ巣山 as the next mountain of Fuji. The height is 1736 m and I thought it was easy (but I knew that was mistake later...)

My plan follows a map book "山と高原地図" and I take a bus from Okutama station (奥多摩駅) to Higashi-nippara (東日原) and walk to Naka-nippara and then start climbing there. I climb Mt. Takanosu for around 3 hours and take lunch break on the top. I climb down along the ridge to Okutama station. Check trail map. The plan is okay. Let's climb!

Trail Map

Entrance of trail
I left home at 4:30 am(!) and arrived at JR Okutama station at 7:30. Then I got off a bus at Higashi-Nippara at 8 am and in 10 minutes I found a small entrance to a mountain trail around Naka-nippara. The trail was wet and slippy since the previous day was rain. And it was steep slope. My shoes air magma are probably  not a real mountain shoes but I climbed well for a while. I met only four or five parties. One of them seems like a mountaineering club of university. They wore black uniforms and carried very big rucksacks. 

Inamuraiwa rocks/稲村岩

The first point I took break is called Inamuraiwa rocks (稲村岩). Here is rocks area and I searched the top. It was exciting like a rock-climbing but scary when I looked down. And suddenly, ohhh, a black snake came up to my hand! I froze for a moment. The snake was surprised too (?) and went somewhere. What if it has poison... Finally I didn't know correctly where was the top.   

I restarted climbing. It kept steep. It takes 100 minutes to the next point called Hirumeshikuinotawa in my schedule. The view is wonderful. Everything is green. In Mt. Fuji it was too high to live creatures and the view was only boring stones though the sunrise was awesome. Here in Okutama fortunately is a treasure house for nature. Beech trees, rivers, insects, flowers, mushrooms... Haa haa... It was killer steep. It took 130 minutes and arrived at the next point Hirumeshikuinotawa. I am not sure about the name of origin but Hirumeshi means Lunch in Japan. Definitely it is a perfect place to have lunch :D I had Onigiri. I was relieved that the mountaineering club was there.

The top of Mt.Takanosu
I was behind the schedule so I restarted soon. The top of Mt. Takanosu 鷹ノ巣山 is in front of the eyes. I climbed 30 minutes and finally stood on the top. It's 1736 m. I feel great! There was no tree around and I can see only mountains and sky. Guidebook says that I can see Mt.Fuji but I could not.

Then I climbed down along the ridge. It was not so hard and I could ran like a trail running. The only problem is the slippy trail. I slipped a few times and fell on my butt.. 

I finished off my water (1 litter) at the top and I was so thirsty while climbing down for around three hours. I ate chocolate instead. The trail was not clear and I was worried if I got lost. I have a compass that I bought at Tokyu Hands. I knew that Okutama station is east way and my trail was right. 

I got lost?
I came back to Okutama town at 16:30 as schedule. The sky was not dark and I did not use headlight. I bought Cola in vending machine and finished this activity. Okutama has beautiful nature that Tokyo citizens are proud. The next time I will challenge the highest mountain in Okutama Mt. Kumotori 雲取山 (2017 m). 

Panorama of the top